Roanoke College
Steven Hughes Director
ExpertiseChemistry, Semiconductor nanocrystal synthesis, CuInS2, AgGaS2
InstrumentationTEM, XRD, SEM (EDS), fluorescence (with integrating sphere), ICP
Background & Research InterestsThe focus of my continuing research is the synthesis and characterization of I-III-VI semiconductor nanocrystals. I am currently working with CuInS2 and AgGaS¬2 materials including various alloys and shelled compositions. My lab studies these materials to best understand their potential as LED phosphors and photocatalysts. Additionally, I’ve been working in collaboration with a developmental biologist to study the toxicity of these materials in zebrafish embryos. Collaboration Interests: 1.Better understanding the photophysics of our nanomaterials. Like CIS, AGS can have extremely intense trap state emission. Unlike CIS, this emission can be suppressed in order to observe the band gap emission. It’s neat, and I’d love to work with someone to understand this better. 2.Silver gallium sulfide has demonstrated the potential to be an effective photocatalyst for the reduction of hydrogen gas. I’m interested in working with someone who knows how to characterize materials for this application better than me.
Furman University
Mary Elizabeth Anderson
Expertisesurface science and nanomaterials
InstrumentationAFM, SEM-EDS, XRD, DSC, TGA, ellipsometry, contact angle goniometry, ICP-OES, DLS, QCM + https://www.furman.edu/academics/chemistry/research/facilities-resources/
Background & Research InterestsCurrently 2 primary project areas in the lab: 1) surface anchored metal-organic frameworks and 2) nanoparticles with thermoelectric or photovoltaic applications. Focus on characterization of bottom-up self-assembly or formation of these nanomaterials using microscopy (AFM and SEM). The goal is to optimize fabrication and tune material composition and structure in order to tailor material properties. Background in lithography (soft and hard), thin film characterization, surface functionalization, solution-phase solid state synthesis and characterization.
Furman University
Brian Augustine
ExpertiseSurface characterization and micro/nanofabrication
Background & Research InterestsTrained in emission from semiconductor nanocrystals and have since developed interests in chemical modification of polymer films and nanoporous polymer structures. Experience with conventional and alternative lithographic strategies.
Barnard College of Columbia University
Rachel Austin
Expertiseheterogenous catalysis
InstrumentationTEM, GCMS, high pressure reactor
Background & Research Interestsinorganic chemistry, catalysis
James Madison University
Ashleigh Baber
ExpertiseSTM, AFM, TPD
Instrumentationambient AFM, XRD, UHV-temperature programmed desorption (TPD), Auger electron spectroscopy
Background & Research Interestssurface science and surface chemistry - understanding fundamentally how surface modifications affect reactivity and selectivity
Western Washington University
Ying Bao
ExpertiseNanomaterial synthesis, surface modification and characterization
Instrumentationhttps://chemistry.wwu.edu/instrumentation-instrument-scheduling https://scitech.wwu.edu/ https://amsec.wwu.edu/amsec-instrumentation
Background & Research InterestsDesign and fabricate plasmonic based nanomaterials for their potential applications in in ultra-sensitive sensors, highly efficient separation technique, and energy related devices.
Western Carolina University
Curtis Beimborn
ExpertisePerovskite nanomaterials, NMR on nanocrystal ligands
Instrumentation400 MHz NMR, SEM, ITC, FTIR microscopy
Background & Research InterestsMy research focuses on the interactions between ligand molecules and nanomaterials, and how these interactions influence the properties of the nanomaterials. Our group primarily uses Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) to investigate the thermodynamics of ligand binding.
Lewis & Clark College
Anne Bentley
Expertiseinorganic chemistry, nanomaterials chemistry, electrodeposition, surface chemistry of nanoparticles
InstrumentationDLS / zeta, single crystal XRD, powder XRD, benchtop SEM, 600 MHz NMR
Background & Research InterestsI have experience in nanomaterials synthesis via templated electrodeposition and thin film electrodeposition. I am also interested in studying nanoparticle surface chemistry and environmental fate.
Lafayette College
Zoe Boekelheide
Expertisemagnetic hyperthermia, magnetic measurements of magnetic nanoparticles
InstrumentationSEM, magnetic hyperthermia, dynamic hysteresis loop measurement, micromagnetic simulations
Background & Research Interestsmagnetic measurements of magnetic nanoparticles, novel compounds for self-controlled magnetic hyperthermia
Rockford University
Matthew Bork
ExpertiseInorganic photochemistry
InstrumentationVery basic undergrad laboratory.
Background & Research InterestsInorganic photochemistry, mofs, photodynamic inactivation
Middlebury College
Alexandria Bredar
ExpertiseNanocrystal synthesis and electrochemistry/electrocatalysis
InstrumentationUV-Vis, FTIR, pXRD, SEM, Potentiostats, NMR, Glovebox
Background & Research InterestsSynthesis and electrochemical investigations of metal oxide nanomaterials for solar energy conversion and electrocatalysis
Kean University, New Jersey
Subhasish Chatterjee
ExpertiseComputer simulations, solid-state and solution-state NMR, time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, and nanoparticle characterization.
InstrumentationHigh-performance computing (HPC), 500 MHz JEOL NMR with a triple-channel solution-state probe with high gradient strengths, fiber-optic fluorescence spectrometer with variable temperature controller, Leica DM4 fluorescence microscope, confocal laser scanning microscope, BioTek Synergy LX Multimode Reader, Biotage Initiator EXP-US microwave reactor, Monowave50 synthesis reactor, confocal laser scanning microscope, ATR-FTIR, UV-Vis spectrometer, HPLC/UPLC, LC-MS, GC-MS.
Background & Research InterestsResearch Interests: Biophysical chemistry, self-assembly, soft matter, and bioinspired materials. Background: Ph.D. in Chemistry (specializing in Molecular Biophysics), City University of New York.
SUNY Plattsburgh
Karina Ckless
ExpertiseBiochemistry, Immunology. Mammalian cell cultture. Cellulose nanocrystal.
InstrumentationZetasizer, Flow cytometer. Microplate reader. Cell imager. FTIR
Background & Research InterestsI have expertise ranging from biochemistry and redox biology to cellular and molecular immunology and toxicology. Currently the focus my research is on the cytotoxicity and immune response of cellulose-based nanomaterials and their potential application as vaccine adjuvants. I have been working in collaboration with a colleague from my department who synthesizes and characterizes the nanomaterials.
Elon University
Justin Clar
ExpertiseEnvironmental Nanotechnology
InstrumentationICP-OES, UV-Vis, XRF, Raman, LCMS/MS
Background & Research InterestsOur group is primarily interested in tracking the release and transformation of NPs from consumer products under realistic use scenarios to better inform risk assessment and regulatory frameworks. We have also begun playing with novel NP composites for water treatment.
Middlebury College
Ben Cotts
ExpertiseTime-resolved spectroscopy
InstrumentationOur group: TR-PL, UV-Vis Department/Institution: ICP-MS, SEM (EDS), XRD, NMR
Background & Research InterestsMy background is in time-resolved optical and structural spectroscopy. Our group collaborates with a beamline scientist at Argonne APS to run static and time-resolved XRD studies on nanocrystals and nanoparticles.
Haverford College
Clyde Daly
ExpertiseComputational Chemistry
InstrumentationSee: https://www.haverford.edu/chemistry/resources-instruments
Background & Research InterestsMolecular dynamics of nano-bio interactions, vibrational spectroscopy calculations
Creighton University
Joel Destino
ExpertiseColloids, surface chemistry, sol-gel, spectroscopy
Instrumentation-Field-emission scanning electron microscope with BSD and EDS (w/mapping) -Scanning probe microscope (capable of AFM, KPFM, etc.) -Hyperspectral epi-luminescence microscope -Raman spectrometer (and microscope) -ATR-FTIR -Handheld XRF For more see– https://www.destinolab.org/research/equipment
Background & Research InterestsMy research centers on developing novel nanomaterials and analytical methods that help us better understand their fundamental chemistry. Regarding analysis, the group specializes in spectroscopic and scanning probe imaging techniques and analysis of imaging data sets for studying spatially resolved chemical speciation across surfaces. Regarding materials, the group is interested in sol-gel-derived nanomaterials and thin films used for chemical sensing, separations, 3D printing, and antifouling applications.
Towson University
Mary Devadas
ExpertiseNanochemistry, metal clusters
InstrumentationFESEM-EDX, XRD, NMR, fluorimeter, UV-vis, Potentiostat, LC-MS, GC-MS, HPLC, ICPMS, XRF
Background & Research InterestsNanoscience and Optical spectroscopy
Creighton University
Angela Devlin
Expertisesurface chemistry, materials chemistry, spectroscopy
InstrumentationRenishaw inVia Confocal Raman microscope with 532 and 785 nm laser + https://www.creighton.edu/arts-sciences/chemistry/aboutus
Background & Research InterestsWe are interested in probing host-guest interactions in metal-organic framework composite materials. Composites are being explored for 1) solid-state electrolytes and 2) polymer composite membranes for separations.
Hope College
Meagan Elinski
ExpertiseSurface chemistry, tribology, nanotribology, mechanochemistry, tribochemistry
InstrumentationAFM, SEM/EDS, confocal Raman microspectroscopy
Background & Research InterestsMy primary research area is surface materials chemistry. My group focuses on nanotribology (nanoscale friction, lubrication, adhesion, and wear), aiming to understand how to control chemical reactions with mechanical sliding forces (tribochemistry). Our primary methodology involves atomic force microscopy (AFM) and its derivative methods - friction force microscopy, quantitative nanomechanical mapping, current sensing, etc. We also employ confocal Raman microspectroscopy, SEM/EDS. Collaboration interests: 1) Exploring nanomaterials with unique optical, electronic, and mechanical properties. Surface coatings developed through sliding forces "in situ" have the potential to provide multiple functions from electronic applications to lubrication and wear prevention. 2) Anything and everything involving the AFM.
Ursinus College
Mark Ellison
Expertisephysical chemistry; carbon nanotubes and graphene; use of carbon nanomaterials for drug delivery; ion motion through carbon nanotubes
Instrumentation300 MHZ NMR, FTIR-ATR, UV-vis, Dynamic Light Scattering, voltage clamp
Background & Research InterestsOur research involves two main projects with carbon nanomaterials. One studies the motion of ions through carbon nanomaterials. The other uses carbon nanotubes and graphene to deliver antibiotics to antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
San Francisco State University
Michael Enright
ExpertiseNanocrystal synthesis, photocatalysis, luminescent solar concentration
InstrumentationUV-Vis with UMA, FTIR, NMR, GC-MS, LC-MS, ICP-OES, TGA-DSC, TRPL
Background & Research InterestsQuantum dot mediated photocatalysis, NIR luminescent solar concentrators, CO2 reduction on nanocrystal surfaces
Augsburg University
Vivian Feng
ExpertiseBioanalytical chemistry, surface analysis, biophysics, nanotoxicology, environmental chemistry
Background & Research InterestsMy lab works at the interface of bioanalytical and materials chemistry. We applies analytical tools to probe the interactions at the nano-bio interface to better understand the environmental fate of novel nanomaterials, as well as the biomolecular impact of model organisms upon nanomaterial exposure.
William Paterson University
Jay Foley
ExpertisePhysical chemistry, nanophotonics, theoretical and computational chemistry and electrodynamics
InstrumentationProbably most relevant instrumentation include TEM and AFM, though I don't know how to use these! Computational resources. We develop computational electrodynamics and hybrid cavity quantum electrodynamics - electronic structure codes in my group.
Background & Research InterestsTheory and modeling of light-matter interactions.
Spelman College
Michelle Gaines
ExpertiseSoft materials. Interfacial chemistry. Biomolecular materials. Polymer microgel particle. Block copolymers nanocomposites. Self-assembly. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Hydrogels. Inorganic nanomaterials. Material properties of hair.
InstrumentationFluorescent Microscopy, Confocal Microscopy, Atomic Force Microscopy, Potentiometric Titration and Drop Counter, UV-Vis, FTIR, HPLC, Nano Drop, Centrifuges, PCR, Flow Cytometry, and NMR
Background & Research InterestsDr. Gaines’s research is themed around designing and characterizing the surface chemical properties of synthetic and natural polymer systems. They will be used to develop multifunctional biomaterial substrates for regenerative medicine, cancer treatment, and personal care products. The goals of the Gaines Lab are achieved by marrying Polymer Synthesis, Materials Science, Cell Biology & Spectroscopy.
Presbyterian College
Latha Gearheart
ExpertiseOptical Spectroscopy, Electron Microscopy, Synthesis and Application of Noble Metal and Semiconductor Nanomaterials
InstrumentationRaman, Scanning Electron Microscopy, UV-vis, NMR, steady-state fluorescence spectrophotometer, GC-MS
Background & Research InterestsOur research group is currently investigating the interaction of DNA topoisomers with gold and silver nanoparticles using surface-enhance Raman spectroscopy in conjunction with applying these nanoparticles as catalysts in biochemical processes.
Emmanuel College
Aren Gerdon
Expertisebiomaterials and biomineralization, nanocluster synthesis, DNA aptamers and origami, analytical chemistry
InstrumentationQCM, DLS, FT-IR, Raman, ICP-AES, LC-MS, GC-MS, potentiostat, UV/vis, fluorescence, glove box, real-time PCR
Background & Research InterestsMy research group focuses on understanding and controlling mineralization processes as they relate to biomedical (bones and teeth) and environmental (ocean mineralization) applications. We build hierarchical materials from nanoparticles and DNA technology to mimic biochemistry. We use quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) and microfluidics to develop new analytical methods for biomaterials.
Georgia Southern University
Debanjana Ghosh
ExpertisePhotophysics of organic molecules in solution phase, biomimetic drug delivery vehicles, colorimetric and fluorometric sensing, energy transfer between probes and metal nanoparticles
InstrumentationUV-Vis absorption, steady state and time-resolved fluorescence, Confocal fluorescence, DLS, NMR, ESI-MS
Background & Research InterestsExperimental physical chemistry on the interface of biophysical and analytical chemistry. Postdoctoral experience on materials chemistry, coatings and self-healing polymers. Currently, developing sensitive and efficient methods to understand the efficacy of different drug delivery vehicles (e.g., micelles, liposomes, cyclodextrins) that will facilitate encapsulation and transportation of small pro-drug molecules to the targeted affected sites. We design model systems using biomimics and study the excited state dynamics of the probes to understand the effectiveness of drug loading and its interaction with the delivery systems. A parallel focus of research involves sensing of toxic metal ions and inorganic ions (e.g., F-, OAc-, H2PO4-, NO3-) in solution phase.
Alma College
Kyle Gibson
ExpertiseAu Nanoparticles, Self-Assembly, Nanoparticle Purification, Nucleic Acids
InstrumentationN/A (just starting so no major purchases yet)
Background & Research InterestsMy primary focus is centered on noble metal colloidal synthesis, purification, self-assembly, and characterization. My work uses various polymers, surfactants, and nucleic acid sequences with various size, shape, and composition of nanoparticle to synthesize unique and novel assembly products.
University of San Diego
Eleanor Gillette
ExpertiseElectrochemistry, analytical chemistry, batteries, fuel cells, chemical sensing
InstrumentationSEM, XPS, ICP-OES (aka ICP-AES), DLS, TGA, DSC, ATR-FTIR, FTIR Microscopy
Background & Research InterestsI am an electrochemist, interested in electrodeposition for the synthesis of materials as well as in applications including energy storage, desalination, fuel cells and chemical sensing.
Wesleyan University
Natalia Gonzalez-Pech
Expertisenanotechnology, environmental engineering
InstrumentationBET, DLS, ICP-OES, XRD, Raman, AFM
Background & Research InterestsOur group focus on the development of nanomaterials for water remediation and energy-related applications in a sustainable manner.
Bard College
Matthew Greenberg
ExpertiseSemiconductor Nanocrystals, Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction and Scattering, Pair Distribution Function Analysis
Instrumentation400 MHz NMR Spectrometer, Fluorimeter, GC-MS, FTIR, ICP-OES, UV-vis, Glove Box
Background & Research InterestsOur research focuses on the synthesis, structure, and formation mechanisms of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals. We are interested in the atomic structures of these nanocrystalline and disordered materials, and their relationship to material properties.
California State University Fullerton
Michael Groves
ExpertiseTheoretical Heterogeneous Catalysis, Global Optimisation Search
InstrumentationHigh Performance Computing Resources
Background & Research Interests1) Electrocatalytic properties of acidic functional groups over 2D-Xenes 2) Studying 2D electron hole gas formation over modified diamond surfaces 3) Targeted electrochemical C-C bond breaking over Pd-alloys 4) Heterogeneous enantoselective hydrogenation over Pt using chiral modifiers
Cal Poly
Leslie Hamachi
ExpertiseNanocrystal Synthesis & Surface Chemistry, Polymer Nanocomposites
InstrumentationZetasizer, SEM, powder XRD, AFM, GC-MS, GPC, DSC, TGA, DMA, Fluorimeter
Background & Research InterestsWe are interested in organic materials research leveraging dynamic covalent bond chemistry. Current research includes work on the synthesis and surface chemistry of porous framework nanoparticle colloids.
Trinity College
Lindsey Hanson
Expertisephysical chemistry, effects of pressure on NPs, nanomechanics
InstrumentationTEM, SEM, Diamond anvil cell, Microspectroscopy, Raman, NMR, UV/Vis
Background & Research InterestsI study the effects of mechanical forces on nanomaterials. That includes spectroscopy of colloidal nanocrystals under compression in a diamond anvil cell, as well as studying the optomechanical properties of nanoparticle-hydrogel composites.
American Unversity
Matthew Hartings
Expertise3D Printing, Biomineralization
Instrumentation3D printers, SEM, TEM, DSC, FTIR, TGA, DSC, DMA, UV-Vis, Fluorescence, BET
Background & Research InterestsBioinorganic chemistry, composite materials, MOFs, metal and metal oxide nanoparticle formation, catalysis, gas storage
Loyola University New Orleans
Christine Heinecke
ExpertiseNanocluster Synthesis, Ligand Exchange, Catalysis, Bio-Organic
InstrumentationPXRD, UV-Vis, Fluorimeter, 60 MHz NMR, IR, GC-MS, HPLC
Background & Research InterestsGeneral research interests include synthesis and functionalization of nanomaterials for biological and catalytic applications.
Whitman College
Mark Hendricks
ExpertiseNanocrystal Synthesis & Surface Chemistry, NMR, XRD
Instrumentation400 MHz NMR, single-crystal XRD, various UV-Vis/fluorescence spectrometers, 785 nm Raman, N2 glovebox, various mass spectrometers
Background & Research InterestsSemiconductor and metallic nanocrystal synthesis, particularly focused on precursors and reaction pathways.
Western Kentucky University
Lawrence Hill
Expertisenanoparticle synthesis, controlled radical polymerization, ionic liquids
InstrumentationBright field TEM SEM with EDS DSC/TGA NMR, UV-vis, fluorimetry, FTIR BET XRD
Background & Research InterestsSynthetic experience with magnetic nanoparticles, metal-semiconductor hybrid nanoparticles, colloidal polymers, controlled radical polymerization, ionic liquids, and carbon capture, utilization, and storage. Currently investigating inorganic nanoparticle catalysts (CO2 hydrogenation and photocatalytic water-splitting) and degradable antioxidant polymers.
Western Oregon University
Feier Hou
ExpertiseGreen synthesis, environmental impacts of materials
InstrumentationUV-Vis IR GC HPLC AA Bench-top NMR
Background & Research InterestsResearch in my group focuses on green synthesis and environmental impacts of inorganic and metal-organic framework materials. Traditional syntheses of those materials often involve toxic organic solvents and/or heavy metals or corrosive metal compounds, and many are energy intensive. One of our goals is to find greener synthetic methods to make those materials. For large-scale applications of those materials, we would also like to know their impacts on the environment when they are disposed, so our other goal is to study the decomposition processes of those materials under different conditions, and the impacts of their decomposition products on the environment.
Saint Peter's University
Natalie Hudson-Smith
ExpertiseAnalytical Chemistry, Toxicology
InstrumentationUV-Vis/Flu Plate Reader, Mass Spec, ATR-FTIR, Hydroponics Lab
Background & Research InterestsI have previously worked in assessing the toxic impact of nanomaterials and their mechanisms of toxicity. I am currently interested particularly in agricultural nanoparticles and their impact on the soil environment. During the summer, my lab started a worm farm to start using earthworms as a model species for nanoparticle exposure via agricultural products.
The College of New Jersey
Rebecca Hunter
Expertisebioanalytical chemistry; sensor development; nanotoxicology
InstrumentationElectrochemical workstations, SEM, DSC, TGA, FT-IR, various UV, HPLC, LC-MS, GC-MS, MALDI-TOF, 400 MHz NMR, XRD (and more: chemistry.tcnj.edu/resources/instrumentation/)
Background & Research InterestsOur lab works to develop electrochemical sensors to detect markers of immune activation, with a particular interest in studying the interaction between macrophage cells and engineered nanoparticles.
University of Tulsa
Erin Iski
Expertisesurface chemistry
InstrumentationScanning Tunneling Microscopy
Background & Research Interestssurface chemistry, materials chemistry, electrochemistry, biomolecules, origin of life
Mercer University
Joe Keene
ExpertiseSemiconductor nanocrystals, quantum dots, isothermal titration calorimetry, surface chemistry, ultrafast spectroscopy
Instrumentation300 MHz NMR, UV-vis absorption and fluorescence, FT-IR, Raman, X-ray fluorescence, AAS, ICP-OES, isothermal titration calorimetry, GC-MS, UHPLC-MS, glove box
Background & Research Interests1. thermodynamics of surface modifications on semiconductor nanocrystals 2. adapt existing, alternative techniques to determine chemical composition of nanomaterials 3. chemical- and surface-related challenges for the Department of Defense and the U.S. Air Force including: corrosion prevention and control; chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear warfare; and composite repairs and bonding on multiple aircraft and service equipment and vehicles.
Carthage College
John Kirk
ExpertiseGold nanoparticles, silica nanoparticles, colloidal crystals, analytical chemistry
InstrumentationTEM, DLS, MP-AES, fluorimeter, Confocal fluorescence microscope, GC-MS, HPLC, 400 MHz NMR
Background & Research InterestsAssembly of mixed colloidal crystals for SERS sensing applications; chemical education
The Citadel
Thad Le-Vasicek
ExpertiseAnalytical Chemistry, biomolecule immobilization
InstrumentationGCMS Absorbance plate reader ICP-OES HPLC
Background & Research InterestsThe focus of my continuing research is to enhance the activity and stability of enzymes immobilized to magnetic nanoparticles. My lab specifically studies how the particle modifications affect the performance of immobilized cellulases in the context of developing reusable catalysts for biofuel production.
University of Richmond
Michael Leopold
ExpertiseNanomaterials; sensor development; electrochemistry
InstrumentationTEM; AFM; SEM; Confocal Microscopy; Electrochemical Workstations; NMR (300, 400,500 MHz; IR; MS; QCM; UV-Vis; Polarography, Atomic spectroscopy
Background & Research InterestsThe focus of my research program is involving undergraduates in the design and development of sensor designs that incorporate nanomaterials. In particular, we focus on electrochemical sensors and biosensors that utilize nanoparticles, nanoparticle films, or carbon nanotubes as a functional component of sensors. We focus on sensors for biomedical, forensic, and environmental applications.
UNC Asheville
Oksana Love
Expertisesynthesis of nanomaterials
InstrumentationSEM, XRD, EDS
Background & Research InterestsAu, Ag, Pd and TiO2 nanoparticles
High Point University
Pamela Lundin
ExpertisePolymers, self-assembled monolayers, nanoparticle catalysis
Instrumentation400 MHz NMR, GPC, SEM, AFM, GC-MS
Background & Research InterestsI obtained my PhD in organic chemistry studying cross-coupling chemistry, and did a post-doc studying conjugated polymers. I'm interested in using cross-coupling chemistry to produce conjugated molecules, particularly polymers.
University of North Carolina, Asheville
Pin Lyu
ExpertisePhysical Chemistry, Nanocrystals, Photocatalysis
InstrumentationXRD, SEM(EDS, STM), NMR, Time-resolved UV-Vis, GC-MS, ICP-OES
Background & Research InterestsMy lab is interested in understanding the fundamental mechanisms behind artificial photosynthesis and designing better catalytic systems for converting solar energy to high-value chemicals. Specifically, we are interested in emerging affordable metallic nanoparticles (such as non-noble transition metals like Fe, Co, Ni, or semi-metals like Bi) for sustainable photocatalysis, starting from the solid-state physical interpretations of the metals (like band structure) and chemical kinetic analysis of model reactions for mechanistic study.
Hanover College
Sarah M Fantin
ExpertiseNanodiscs (lipid nanoparticles)
InstrumentationATR-FTIR, HPLC, ICP
Background & Research InterestsMy background is in bioanalytical chemistry (mass spectrometry of membrane proteins and nanodiscs). As I start my research group, my interests are getting more and more nano focused! My goal is to make nanodiscs of varying lipid composition and examine the fluidity of the membrane in the disc through fluorescent probes. I am also interested in how changing the diameter of the nanodisc through use of longer scaffold proteins changes the fluidity of the membrane. Finally, should this prove a robust method for assessing fluidity, I am ultimately interested in incorporating protein or peptids into the nanodiscs and using the fluidity to tease out details of lipid preference.
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Mary Machado
ExpertisePolymer nanomaterials, Nanoscale transport, Biological impacts of nanomaterials (bacteria)
InstrumentationSEM/EDS, QCM-R, 3D printers ( including bioprinter), AFM, Coulter counter, Nanoparticle deposition system
Background & Research InterestsMy research interests focus on the genetic, proteomic and phenotypic responses of biofilms ( and bacteria) to nano-sized materials. I am particularly interested in how size/shape differences in these materials affect bacterial responses and in turn related factors such as construction of the biofilm and transport through the matrix.
Lebanon Valley College
Andy Marsh
Expertisesurface science, nanomaterials, catalysis
InstrumentationUV/Vis, Fluorescence, ATR-FTIR, FAAS, GC/MS, high pressure reactor, tube furnace, chemisorption analyzer, 400 MHz NMR, UHV TPD, AES/LEED, 193 nm excimer laser
Background & Research InterestsSynthesis, characterization, and reaction studies of colloidal metal (Pt, Pd, Ag, and Au) and semiconductor (ZnS and CdSe) nanomaterials of different sizes and shapes and with different capping agents.
Kenyon College
Katie Mauck
ExpertiseSpectroscopy, organic materials, optoelectronic materials
InstrumentationLangmuir-Blodgett trough, IR variable-angle reflectance, optical cryostat, evacuable FT-IR Spectrometer, PXRD, NMR
Background & Research InterestsDetermining orientation-specific vibrational spectral signatures of intermolecular coupling in crystalline organic semiconductors; developing infrared-reflectance absorbance spectroscopy methods for quantifying thin film nanocrystal surface coverage
Lafayette College
Arielle Mensch
Expertisenano-bio interface, environmental transformations of nanomaterials
InstrumentationDLS/Zeta Sizer, QCM-D, XRD, plate reader, UPLC-MS, fluorimeter, UV-vis, GC-MS, FTIR, NMR
Background & Research InterestsMy group focuses on the environmental transformations of nanomaterials (e.g., sorption of more harmful organic pollutants, interactions with natural organic matter) and how these interactions may impact subsequent interactions with model environmental and biological systems (e.g., lipid bilayer models, trout gill epithelial cells and model sediment surfaces).
University of the South
Deon Miles
ExpertiseNanomaterials, electrochemistry, analytical chemistry
Instrumentation400 MHz NMR, FTIR-ATR, GC-MS, UV-vis, fluorimeter, electrochemical analyzer, XRF, HPLC, DSC, TGA, glove box
Background & Research InterestsOur current research focus is in the field of water-soluble, carbon-based nanoparticles (carbon dots). Our goals include modifying the nanoparticle surface to investigate interesting chemistry and incorporate sensing capabilities. We have previously investigated monolayer-protected metallic nanoparticles and colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals (quantum dots).
Rollins College
Brian Mosby
ExpertiseInorganic Layered Materials, Inorganic Ion Exchangers, Polymer Nanocomposites, Responsive Materials
InstrumentationTGA, NMR, FTIR, UV-Vis Spectroscopy, Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Cyclic Voltammetry, LC-MS
Background & Research InterestsMy research focuses on the design and synthesis of functional hybrid materials with highly customizable structures and responsive behavior, with an emphasis on catalytic, environmental, and biomedical applications. Current work in my lab uses metal phosphates and phosphonates to investigate strategies to promote the incorporation and organization of diverse functional groups within a single material , correlation of functional material structure with reactivity, and the design of responsive materials.
College of Charleston
Kate Mullaugh
Expertisevoltammetry, NP fate in the environment
Instrumentation400 MHz NMR, FT-IR, EPR, ATM, MALDI-TOF, Raman, various UV, HPLC, LC-MS, GC-MS, DLS, potentiostat and controlled growth mercury electrode
Background & Research InterestsMy group researches the environmental fate of metal-containing nanomaterials, specifically the processes of dissolution and sulfidation, which can control their bioavailability/toxicity. We recently started investigating how magnetic nanoparticles can be used as a water treatment strategy.
University of North Florida
Thomas Mullen
Expertiseself-assembled monolayers, atomic force microscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy, soft-lithography, scanning probe lithography, particle lithography, and photolithography
InstrumentationAFM, STM, SEM-EDS, ellipsometry, contact angle goniometry, optical microscopy, plasma cleaner, reactive ion etcher, thin film deposition
Background & Research InterestsMy research interests at UNF aim to gain a better understanding of nanostructure creation by combining top-down pattering and molecular assembly. In turn, the strategies developed can be utilized to create superior nanodevices. My research program at UNF investigates two molecule/substrate archetypes: the adsorption of thiol molecules onto gold substrates and the adsorption of organosilane molecules onto oxide substrates. Both of these molecular archetypes provide opportunities to tailor nanometer-scale structures to enhance lithography.
Pacific Lutheran University
Andrea Munro
ExpertisePhysical Chemistry, Semiconductor Nanocrystal Synthesis, Nanocrystal Surface Chemistry
Instrumentation500 MHz FT-NMR, AFM, GC/MS, HPLC, FTIR, ICP-MS,microwave digestion, inert atmosphere glovebox
Background & Research InterestsMy research group investigates the synthesis of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals. We are interested in understanding the chemistry that determines nanocrystal shape and stability. We also examine nanocrystal surface chemistry and ligand exchange processes. We are interested in understanding how the surface of a nanocrystal alters its properties and stability.
Hampton University
Peter Njoki
ExpertiseMetallic Nanomaterials Synthesis, Electrocatalysis, Fuel Cell
Instrumentation400 MHz NMR, CEM Microwaves, ICP-OES, BAS Electrochemistry workstation, TGA-DSC. Other instruments: https://science.hamptonu.edu/chem/facilities.cfm
Background & Research InterestsThe main focus of our research interests is materials chemistry, nanocatalysis, renewable energy, electrocatalysis and application of nanotechnology in forensic chemistry. Current projects involve fabrication of multimetallic alloyed nanoparticles based on copper, silver, gold, palladium, and platinum.
Montclair State University
Glen O'Neil
ExpertiseElectrochemistry, photoelectrochemistry, electrochemical imaging, 3D printing
InstrumentationMy lab: Multiple 3D printers, Sutter P2000 laser puller, HEKA El-Pro Scan electrochemical scanning probe workstation, spin coater, dip-coater, contact angle goniometer, multiple potentiostats. University: https://www.montclair.edu/mmrl/equipment/
Background & Research InterestsWe study electrochemical reactions at the micro- and nanoscale using scanning electrochemical probe microscopies. We use these fundamental studies to help guide us to developing new measurement strategies and sensors. We are particularly interested in developing new chemical sensors based on semiconducting photoelectrodes for monitoring neurotransmitter release from single cells, measuring stochastic nanoparticle collisions on semiconductor surfaces for solar fuels applications, and using 3D printing for developing new sensing schemes.
St. Bonaventure University
Katsu Ogawa
ExpertiseSteady State UV-Vis-NIR Absorption/Emission Spectroscopy, Electrochemistry
InstrumentationNMR, FT-IR, UV-vis, Fluorometer, Computer cluster, LC-MS, GC-MS, AA
Background & Research InterestsSynthesis and photophysical/electrochemical characterization of pi-conjugated oligomers/polymers
Mount Vernon Nazarene University
Luiz Oliveira
ExpertiseMolecular modeling, mainly DFTB (fast DFT) calculations and Metadynamics simulations
InstrumentationAccess to MERCURY clusters and the Ohio Supercomputer Center, as well as two workstations with dedicated molecular modeling software for students.
Background & Research InterestsMy group is currently investigating the dynamics of water on zirconia and yttria-stabilized zirconia surfaces and nanofiltration filtration through Graphynes’ pores. More details here: https://oliveiralfl.github.io/research/
Amherst College
Jacob Olshansky
ExpertiseQD synthesis, photophysical characterization, charge transfer
InstrumentationFluorimeter with integrating sphere, TCSPC lifetime spectrometer, 400 MHz NMR, inert atmosphere glovebox
Background & Research InterestsWe are interested in understanding and harnessing photo-initiated charge and energy transfer in nanoscale systems, with a focus on nanoscale assemblies such as nanocrystal – organic molecule conjugates. Current work aims to use these systems for photocatalysis schemes and as spin qubits.
Scripps College
Jia-Ahn Pan
ExpertiseSurface chemistry and 2D/3D-printing of nanocrystals
InstrumentationUV-vis and fluorescence spectrometers, 532 nm Raman microscope, FTIR, Mass spec, 500 MHz NMR, AFM
Background & Research InterestsSynthesis of colloidal nanomaterials (e.g., quantum dots and upconverting nanoparticles), development of stimuli-responsive ligands, 2D and 3D lithography of nanocrystals, laser scanning microscopy, self-assembly of nanocrystals, optoelectronic devices
Manhattan College
Alexandre Pinto
ExpertiseSolution based synthesis of nanoparticles and carbon based materials
InstrumentationXRD, FT-IR, UV-vis, fluorescence, HPLC, GC-MS, atomic absorption, high temperature ovens.
Background & Research InterestsSynthesis of transition metal oxides Wastewater Remediation by Adsorption and Photocatalysis and their kinetic studies. Development of solid state chemistry experiments for undergrad education.
Franklin & Marshall College
Kate Plass
Expertisesemiconductor nanoparticle synthesis, cation exchange, plasmonics, copper chalcogenides
InstrumentationTEM, UV/visible/NIR absorption spectroscopy with integrating sphere, SEM-EDS, PXRD, ICP
Background & Research InterestsOur group has been working on synthesizing plasmonic copper chalcogenide nanoheterostructures. We explore how to alter and control the optical behavior. We are also developing new procedures and deeper understandings of how to alter chemistry through anion and cation exchange. These materials can be useful photocatalysts and this is an area where I would be particularly interested in new collaboration. In addition, I have a collaborative project exploring how the solid-state behavior of iron sulfide ocean sediments affects the adsorption of trace metals.
Marshall University
Rosalynn Quinones
ExpertiseSurface science and nanoparticles
InstrumentationSEM AFM Infrared DLS Electrochemistry
Background & Research InterestsSurface modifications of nanoparticles and metal oxides using organic acids
California State University Monterey Bay
Roshini Ramachandran
ExpertiseNanoparticle synthesis, metal oxides, metal borides, inorganic chemistry
InstrumentationPowder XRD, FTIR-ATR, UV-vis
Background & Research InterestsOur group focuses on the synthesis of metal oxide and boron-based nanostructures using a combination of sonochemical, hydrothermal, and reverse micelle methods.
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Shannon Riha
Expertisenanomaterials for solar energy applications
Instrumentationpowder XRD, environmental SEM, TEM, Raman Microscope, DSC/SDT, FT-IR, NMR, UV-vis-NIR, fluorimeter, GC-MS, HPLC, LC-MS, ICP-OES, MALDI
Background & Research InterestsSynthesis and characterization of copper chalcogenide (Cu2S, CuSbS3, CZTS) and metal oxide nanomaterials, photoelectrochemical analysis, sulfide perovskites, effects of surface chemistry on optoelectronic properties of nano/thin films
Swarthmore College
Kathryn Riley
Expertiseanalytical chemistry, nanometrology
InstrumentationUV-vis and fluorescence spectroscopy, FAAS, DLS, CE, HPLC, GC-MS, various electrochemistry workstations, CD, XRD, EPR, 400 MHz NMR
Background & Research InterestsResearch in my group involves the development of analytical techniques for the characterization of nanomaterials. This ranges from purification of DNA origami nanostructures to the evaluation of silver nanoparticle transformations in complex biological and environmental matrices to the study of nano- and microplastic fate and transport.
Union College
Ellen Robertson
ExpertiseMolecular/nanoparticle assembly at fluid interfaces
InstrumentationSee the link under "chemistry instrumentation": https://www.union.edu/chemistry
Background & Research InterestsI study the formation and properties of nanoparticle-embedded peptoid nanosheets via a monolayer collapse mechanism at the oil-water interface. My goal is to use these water-stable 2D nanoparticle arrays as solution-based sensors.
DePaul University
Charles Rubert Pérez
ExpertiseOrganic Chemistry, Chemical Biology and Biomaterials/Supramolecular Polymers
InstrumentationNMR, IR, GC-MS, CombiFlash, UV-Vis, DLS
Background & Research InterestsGrad School: (1) Multi-step synthesis of potential anti-anthrax agents, included cell-based assays to test efficacy (2) Synthesis of collagen-based peptide for hydrogel formation and metal-triggered self-assembly of nanomaterials Post-Doc: (1) Synthesis of cell-signaling peptide amphiphiles for regenerative medicine with specific application in cardiovascular diseases Current lab: (1) Synthesis of small peptidomimetic and peptide molecule for the self-assembly of novel nanomaterials via aromatic interactions and metal chelation.
Montclair State University
Amrita Sarkar
ExpertisePolymer synthesis, self-assembly, nanostructured porous block copolymer template fabrication
InstrumentationSEM, TEM, XRD, 400 MHz NMR, ESI-MS, GC-MS, FTIR.
Background & Research InterestsCurrent research interets is to synthesize nature-inspired polymer and their uses in energy devices. Additional interst is chemical recycling of Li ion battery.
Utah Tech University
Wendy Schatzberg
ExpertiseChemistry, Nanoparticle Synthesis and Analysis
InstrumentationSEM, Fluorescence, UV-Vis
Background & Research InterestsExperience in making nanoparticles and nanowires investigating growth in confined systems
Colorado Mesa University
Jarrod Schiffbauer
ExpertisePhysics, soft and active condensed matter
InstrumentationFluidics characterization (goniometry, viscometry, thermal imaging), UV-VIS, supercomputer access
Background & Research InterestsNano/microfluidics, nanoscale heat transfer and multiphase phenomena, wetting/capillarity, phase transitions in passive and active suspensions, primarily simulations and theory, some experiments.
California State University Monterey Bay
Arun Sharma
ExpertiseMolecular dynamics simulations and ab-initio calculations
InstrumentationWe have two dedicated workstations for computational research and access to supercomputers. I am not much help with conducting experiments, although I may be helpful in designing them.
Background & Research InterestsMy ongoing interest is performing computational chemistry investigations in tandem with experimental collaborators. My lab is working on quantifying ionic partitioning in reverse micelles, dynamics of water confined in reverse micelles, and intermolecular interactions in asphaltene -inhibitor interactions. We employ machine learning, density functional theory, ab-initio calculations to carry out these investigations. Thank you,
The Fashion Institute
Julian Silverman
ExpertiseSoft materials/nanotechnology
InstrumentationFTIR/SEM colorimeters and lots of instrumentation specific to fabrics and fibers
Background & Research InterestsSoft materials from waste resources Emulsions, nanoparticles, self assembly
St. Bonaventure University
Scott Simpson
ExpertiseComputational Chemistry
InstrumentationComputer cluster, LC-MS, GC-MS, FT-IR, UV-Vis, Fluorimeter, IC, NMR, AA
Background & Research InterestsPhD in computational chemistry, research interest include surface-molecule interfaces
California State University, Chico
Monica So
Expertisecharge transfer, metal-organic frameworks, energy conversion, interfacial chemistry, machine learning
InstrumentationAFM, ATR-FTIR, BET, confocal fluorescence microscope, contact angle goniometer, diffuse reflectance UV-vis spectrometer, EIS, FTIR imaging, ICP-MS, QCM, Raman microscope, SEM w/EDAX, TCSPC, PXRD, and others (https://www.csuchico.edu/chem/about-chem/facilities/index.shtml)
Background & Research InterestsThe So Lab focuses on the (a) charge transport of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), (b) mechanisms and kinetics at MOF interfaces, and (c) discovery of new MOF materials by machine learning. These have broader impacts on developing solar cells and batteries.
Albright College
Matt Sonntag
Expertisephysical chemistry, Raman spectroscopy, silver nanoparticles
InstrumentationRaman spectrometer, 400 MHz NMR, FTIR, Fluorimeter, AFM, SEM, UV-Vis, LC-MS, GC-MS, HPLC
Background & Research InterestsI have two main research interests at the interface of chemistry, physics and material science. It primarily focuses on using Raman spectroscopy as an analytical tool to characterize both materials and physical processes. Current projects focus on the probing the influence of composition on the structure of glassy materials while the other involves probing the dynamics of individual molecules using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS).
Dickinson College
Sarah St Angelo
ExpertiseAu/Ag/Cu nanoparticle synthesis, catalysis, photocatalysis, green(er) nanoparticle synthesis
InstrumentationUV-vis-NIR, fluorescence, AAS, LC-MS, SEM-EDS, PXRD, DSC, AFM
Background & Research InterestsSynthesis and characterization of hybrid metal oxide-metal nanomaterials for applications in photocatalysis and solar energy capture. Applications of ultrasmall copper nanoparticles in solution based catalysis and electrocatalysis.
State University of New York at Plattsburgh
Rajesh Sunasee
ExpertiseNanochemistry, cellulose nanocrystals, synthesis, characterization
InstrumentationFTIR; 400 MHz NMR, UV-VIS, DSC, Zeta Sizer, Fluorescence spectroscopy
Background & Research InterestsResearch in the Sunasee laboratory combines aspects of organic synthesis and nanotechnology (nanochemistry) for the design and synthesis of functional nanomaterials for various applications. Currently, our nanomaterial of interest is cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs), a promising renewable nanomaterial with unique properties and great potential applications in both academic and industrial sectors. Our initial work in this area focussed on covalent surface modifications of CNCs for the design of novel CNCs-based functional materials for biomedical and other applications. The toxicity and immunogenicity of these modified CNCs are also investigated in detail (work in collaboration with Dr. Ckless's laboratory). Current application areas of CNCs include Vaccine adjuvants, antimicrobial agents and water purification.
St. Olaf College
Rodrigo Sánchez González
ExpertisePhysical chemistry and applied laser diagnostics
InstrumentationPulsed nanosecond and CW laser sources, spectrometers and scanning monochromator, liquid nitrogen cryostat, converging-diverging nozzle gas expansion instrument. Other equipment: https://wp.stolaf.edu/chemistry/files/2013/07/Dept_equipF07.pdf
Background & Research InterestsDevelopment and use of optical sensing techniques for the characterization of gaseous high-speed flows and combustion, study of energy transfer phenomena, and development of associated instrumentation and data analysis methodologies.
Gettysburg College
Luke Thompson
ExpertiseGold/silver nanoparticle synthesis, nanoparticle surface modifications with polymers, environmental fate of NPs
InstrumentationDLS/Zeta, ITC, CD, TEM, AFM, Fluorescence microscopy
Background & Research InterestsMy research group is broadly interested in understanding how the surface chemistry of nanoparticles impacts their behavior. Current work explores the quantification and characterization of responsive polyelectrolyte adsorbates to drive nanoparticle assemblies.
University of Puget Sound
Emily Tollefson
ExpertiseMetallic nanoparticle synthesis, protein-nanoparticle interactions, nanoparticle toxicity
InstrumentationMalvern Nano ZS, SEM, Confocal microscopy, QToF Tandem MS/MS
Background & Research InterestsMy research group will be examining the biomolecular interactions of bismuth nanoparticles and their potential non-acute toxicity in the model organism C. elegans
Elizabethtown College
Lauren Toote
ExpertisePolymer nanoparticles, biomolecule assay development, lateral flow assays
InstrumentationDynamic Light Scattering, ICP-OES, 400 MHz NMR, FTIR, Fluorimeter with solid state cell, UV-Vis, LC-MS, GC-MS, HPLC
Background & Research InterestsI developed polymer nanoparticle-based detection strategies for biomolecules in my graduate work. I also developed methods to enhance the sensitivity of current low-resource diagnostics to better understand infectious disease biomarkers. At E-town, I'm the analytical chemist in the department and my research focuses of the development of a lateral flow assay, that utilizes polymer nanoparticles, for detection of heavy metals in drinking water.
The Cooper Union
Robert Topper
ExpertiseChemistry, physics, computation, theory, aerosolized acid-base nanoparticles, machine learning
Background & Research InterestsOur group uses computational and theoretical methods to study nanoparticles formed through atmospheric processes. We study the structural, thermal, electronic and spectral properties of the products of redox and acid-base reactions formed as the result of atmospheric NOx/SOx pollution, in an effort to help eludicate their fates in the environment. Our group has recently developed TransRot, a freely available simulated annealing Monte Carlo program designed to find minimum-energy structures of atomic and molecular nanoparticles. We are very interested in working collaboratively with experimentalists and theorists at other institutions.
Towson University
Khanh-Hoa Tran-Ba
ExpertiseNanoparticle Diffusion Measurements by Single-Particle Tracking Methods
InstrumentationSEM, FTIR, Fluorometer, UV-Vis, FAAS, GC-MS, Fluorescence Microscope
Background & Research InterestsNanoparticle Synthesis, Single-Particle Fluorescence, Diffusion Measurements, Polymer Characterization
Harvey Mudd College
Hal Van Ryswyk
Expertisechemistry, photovoltaics, semiconductor nanocrystal synthesis, electrochemistry
InstrumentationSEM (EDX, STEM, e-beam lithography), AFM, dektak, ellipsometry, XRD, PXRD, fluorescence, ICP-OES, ICP-MS, EQE, Fluxim Paios (iV, IMPS & IMPV), AM1.5G sources
Background & Research Interestscontrolling surface chemistry of PbS and ZnO to make better bulk layer heterojunction photovoltaics and dye-sensitized solar cells, respectively.
Santa Clara University
Korin Wheeler
Expertisenanoparticle biochemistry
InstrumentationSEM, fluorimeter, various MS, DLS, other instrumentation here: https://www.scu.edu/cas/chemistry/research/facilities-and-instrumentation/
Background & Research InterestsWe focus on development of methods to characterize and predict the biochemical interactions that mediate nanomaterial behavior.
Union College
Chris Whitehead
ExpertiseNanocrystal synthesis, kinetics, particle formation, surface chemistry, and synchrotron techniques (XAFS and SAXS)
InstrumentationSEM/EDX, AFM, p-XRD, DSC, Fluorometer, CD, DLS/Zetasizer, and N2 glove box
Background & Research InterestsMy group is investigating the application of plasmonic nanocrystals as environmental sensors. My PhD was studying particle formation mechanisms, and my postdoc was researching metal oxide and ceramic nanocrystal synthesis and application.
University of North Florida
Benjamin Williams
ExpertiseAlloy Nanoparticle Synthesis, Metal-Organic Frameworks, Catalysis
InstrumentationSEM, XRD, ICP, GC-MS, AFM, 500 MHz NMR
Background & Research InterestsMy research group has an overarching goal of designing composite catalysts for sustainable energy applications. Combining nanoparticles, metal-organic frameworks, and atomically-isolated catalysts, we seek to define structure-stability relationships and generate design rules for stable and selective catalysts.
Georgia Gwinnett College
Cynthia Woodbridge
ExpertiseComputational & Materials Chemistry
InstrumentationIR, benchtop NMR, AA, GC, HPLC, DSC
Background & Research InterestsInterested in reactions on metal oxide nanoparticles and how they (might) remediate environmental pollutants
The State University of New York Geneseo College
Kazushige Yokoyama
ExpertisePhysical Chemistry
InstrumentationRaman Imaging System
Background & Research InterestsAggregation process of gold colloid, protein folding
Lawrence Technological University
Meng Zhou
ExpertiseInorganic chemistry, catalysis and nanomaterials
InstrumentationPXRD, ESEM-EDX, 400 MHz NMR, UV-vis, ATR-IR, GC, ICP-OES
Background & Research InterestsHis research focuses on nanomaterials and catalysis relevant to CO2 utilization and the sustainable production of industrial chemicals.
Organization Members